Thursday 7 November 2019



       The project Aim is which makes operating of electrical appliances in home through Android mobile phone. There are two systems in this project.  Bluetooth module and 8-Relays board are interfaced to the Microcontroller a program written using Embedded ‘C’ language.

  The project aims in designing a system which makes operating of electrical appliances in home through Android mobile phone.
  There are two systems in this project. The first one consists of Bluetooth module which gets input from android smart phone. In the receiver section, the Bluetooth and 8-Relays board are interfaced to the Microcontroller. The controller acts accordingly on the 8 Relays to switch connected electrical appliances. In achieving the task the controller is loaded with a program written using Embedded ‘C’ language.
  The 8 channel android Bluetooth project is controlling the devices such as 2bulb,fan,pumpset and any devices we can connect.
  The controlling of electrical appliances is done wirelessly through Android smart phone using the Bluetooth feature present in it..
  Bluetooth is an open standard specification for a radio frequency (RF)-based, short-range connectivity technology.

Components Required 
Transformer 12-0-12
Relay circuit x8
Bluetooth module
Mobile App
Output sockets

1        Controlling of AC devices wirelessly through mobile phone.
2        Usage of Android touch screen smart phone in performing the task.
3        Bluetooth wireless transmission.
4        Manual operation is eliminated.
5        Monitoring and Controlling is possible.
6        Efficient and low cost design

  1.   pharmacy industries.
  2.   chemical labs.
  3.   power grid stations.
  4.   sub stations.

            Interfacing high voltage devices, and also Bluetooth module to Micro Controller is sensitive.


·               The 8051kit and on board applications is economically good system in the market, it is the best economy consider to other system like PLC.
·     The 8051 kit and on board applications is less costly in the market and this system design cost is also less compare to other.
·     This system is more reliable in the market consider to other systems
·     This product is having less power consider to other systems and it was capable small area to fix it.
·     This product is high demand in the market.
·    This product is having more competitors in the market and also it has more features than other systems.


           Our project “Android Based Home Automation” is mainly intended to control the electrical home appliances using Google android mobile phone. There are two systems in this project. The first one consists of Bluetooth module which gets input from android smart phone and that input is sent to the receiver section through zigbee. In the receiver section, the zigbee receiver and 4-Relays board are interfaced to the Microcontroller. The controller acts accordingly on the Relays to switch connected electrical appliances.
            This project can be extended by adding Zigbee module and GSM module. Zigbee module can be used to monitor and control the appliances of multiple devices like lights, fans, coolers.. etc. GSM module can be used to monitor the devices which are being operated from anywhere in the world.\


·         It is easy to use compare to other systems.
·         This is less costly and it uses less employment employment.
·         Using of this product can be reduced the work  and save the money.
·         It is more compact.
·         It is more efficient.
·         More reliable.


  Regulator power supply:
          it consist of step down transformer which converts a 230V AC into 12V AC & to the bridge rectifier circuit it converts 12V AC into 12V DC, then its give to the electrolyte capacitor (1000uf)it removes the ripples, ceramic (0.1uf) & electrolyte capacitor (47uf) these are used as a filter then it give to the regulator it converts the variable input into constant 5V output it supplies to the controller, relay drivers & Bluetooth module.

  PIC controller (peripherals interface controller):
          it used to embedded C program formats , we have use micro processor lab tool box (keil micro vision 4) to write the program& we have use flash magic to dump the program.

            A relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnet to operate a switching mechanism, but other operating principles are also used. Relays find applications where it is necessary to control a circuit by a low-power signal, or where several circuits must be controlled by one signal.

   Bluetooth Module
          ‘Bluetooth’, the short-range radio link technology designed to "connect" an array of devices including mobile phones, PC’s, and PDA’s


(This project is implemented using following software’s)

Express PCB – for designing circuit:
          Express the PCB has been used to design many PCB’s “ some layered and with surface-mount parts. Print out PCB patterns and use the toner transfer method with An Etch resistant pen to make boards. However, Express PCB and clean up the pattern so they nicely

 Proteus 7 (Embedded C) – for simulation part:
            the proteus is software which accepts only HEX files. Hence once the machine code is converted into HEX code has to be dumped into the microcontroller and this is done by the proteus.      

 it is the tool which is used to program HEX code in EEPROM of microcontroller. It only supports the microcontroller of Philips and NXP, it can burn a HEX code into that controller which supports ISP feature. Flash magic supports several chips like ARM 7,8051. 

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